Program EKOŠOLA KOT NAČIN ŽIVLJENJA je mednarodni projekt Mednarodnega združenja za okoljevarstveno izobraževanje (Foundation for Environmental education – FEE). Temeljni cilj programa je povezovanje okoljskih dejavnosti med šolami v državah Evropske unije kot tudi držav v okviru Unesca.

S pomočjo programa Ekošola kot način življenja šole skozi vzgojno-izobraževalni proces vzgajajo mlade v odgovorne prebivalce našega planeta. Učenci tako spoznavajo, da problemov nima narava, temveč ljudje, in da smo za nenavadno in ekstremno obnašanje narave velikokrat odgovorni ljudje sami – z onesnaževanjem okolja in z nepremišljenimi posegi v naravo.

Nada Pavšer, nacionalna koordinatorka programa Ekošole Slovenija je ob deseti obletnici delovanja programa zapisala:«Slovenska Ekošola kot način življenja si želi, da bi odgovoren odnos do sočloveka in do vseh bitij narave postal način življenja vsake slovenske družine, vsakega podjetja, vsake slovenske občine in vsakega ministrstva. Je darilo našim mladim, da zrastejo v srečne in notranje izpolnjene ljudi, ki bodo znali spoštovati in ljubiti naravo ter svojo deželo, ki si bodo upali živeti življenje kot vrednoto v najširšem pomenu besede.«

Naš planet propada, zato ker se do njega obnašamo zelo lahkomiselno in neodgovorno. Zavedati pa se moramo, da je to naš edini planet – drugega nimamo! Ne smemo dovoliti, da kmalu ne bi imeli več kje živeti! Zato se raje odrecimo kakšni potrošniški dobrini v dobrobit čistejšega življenjskega okolja z dovolj pitne vode in čistim zrakom.

Janez Drnovšek je v svoji čestitki ob deseti obletnici ekošole zapisal:«Zavedati se moramo, da je naše okolje največje bogastvo, ki ga imamo. Da nam noben avtomobil ne more nadomestiti zraka, ki ga uničujemo z izpušnimi plini. Da nam nobeno igrišče za golf ne more nadomestiti polj in gozdov. Da nam kmetijske kemikalije uničujejo zemljo in vodo, pa še hrano. Ne moremo se izolirati od mednarodnega okolja, na tem planetu smo vsi povezani, skupaj moramo skrbeti za našo Zemljo….. Zahvaljujem se za vaš prispevek k skupnim prizadevanjem za bolj zdravo Zemljo, ljudi in vsa živa bitja. Vsak dan nas je več, ki premikamo okostenela prepričanja in poskušamo spremeniti razmere na bolje.«


ECO – School 

The programme Eco-School as a Way of Living is an international project of the Foundation for Environmental Education- FEE. The principal objective of the programme is linking together environmental activities of schools in the European Union and Unesco.

With the help of the programme Eco-School as a Way of Living schools try to educate pupils to become responsible dwellers of our planet. Thus pupils can learn that not the nature itself creates the problems, but that people with their irresponsible and thoughtless activities are to blame for sometimes unusual and extreme behaviour of the nature.

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the programme, Mrs. Nada Pavšer, the national coordinator of the programme Eco-School Slovenia, wrote: “The Slovene Eco-School as a Way of Living would like the responsible attitude toward other people and all living creatures to become the way of life of all Slovene families, companies, municipalities, and ministries. This should be a gift to our pupils, so that they will grow into happy and internally fulfilled individuals who will be able to respect and love the nature and their country and who will understand their lives as an incomparable value.”

Due to our irresponsible and thoughtless behaviour our planet started deteriorating. However, we should be aware that this planet is the only one we have – there is no other available! We should not allow our planet to be further destroyed and the living space to disappear. Therefore, it is better to give up some consumer goods for the benefit of cleaner environment with sufficient drinking water and fresh air.

In his letter of congratulation at the 10th anniversary of the Eco-School, Mr. Janez Drnovšek wrote the following words: ”We must be aware that our environment is the greatest wealth we have. No car we drive can replace the air we pollute with the exhaust gases. No golf court can replace fields and forests. Agricultural chemicals poison our soil, water and even food. We can not isolate ourselves from the international community – we are all connected on this planet and we all have to take care of the planet Earth… I wish to thank you for your contribution to the common endeavour for a healthier Earth, people and all living creatures. Each day there are more of us who are willing to give up ossified beliefs and try to make a better world. 


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